Affiliate at Arbitration Practice of KFCRI (AfAP-KFCRI)

Arbitration is the most important form of Alternative Dispute Resolution. Through arbitration disputes can be resolved outside the courts with enormous benefits. The procedure is faster and cheaper as compared to judicial proceedings. In the modern world, justice must be given on time saying so, arbitration helps to give timely justice. There are definitive legislations governing arbitration in many countries. India is to become a hub for Arbitration of International Commercial Disputes.

UNCITRAL Model law on International and Commercial Arbitration was adopted by India as The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 which regulates both Domestic and International Arbitrations or Conciliations, which was further amended in the year 2015 bringing in many nuances and technicalities of the Procedure.

The course focuses on students, legal practitioners and diversified professionals who are interested in the field of Arbitration and provide them training. The course aims to provide comprehensive and practical knowledge in Arbitration and thereby provide Accreditation to eligible candidates.

Affiliate status signifies a better understanding of this discipline of ADR and application of the same in the field. Being an Affiliate denotes the capacity of the person developing and have a stance of their own and which is recognised by KFCRI.

Affiliates can use the designatory letters AfAP-KFCRI.

I. Course Details.

Eligibility Criteria :

Category 1 - Candidates who have been awarded Associate Membership by KFCRI.

Category 2 - Candidates having Masters Degree or its equivalent from a recognised university or institution .

Category 3 - Candidates having practical experience of five or more years in the field of Arbitration. (Reference required)

Duration : Two Days Training Programme.

Course Fee including Examination Fee : INR 15,000/-

Fee for Reappearance/ Resit for Examination: INR 2,000/- per Sitting.


Examination will be conducted on the day of training or at regular intervals throughout the year.

Upon completion of Course and Assessment, Subscription is required for use of the designatory letters.

II. Subscription Details.

Certificate of Affiliate at Arbitration Practice of KFCRI (AfAP-KFCRI)

Eligibility Criteria :

  • Certificate of Affiliate Level Course conducted by KFCRI with pass criteria of 70% or more.
  • On satisfactory completion of the above, the candidates shall be awarded a Certificate of Affiliate Membership of KFCRI titled AfAP-KFCRI.

Membership Fee:

Entry Fee (One Time) INR 1,000/-

AfAP Membership (Annual Subscription) INR 5,000/-